by S&PAA

Why is it that too few people speak of “schizophrenia” and “recovery” in the same sentence?  We find this unacceptable. We believe that recovery should be made possible for the millions of people with schizophrenia. And with your support, we can help make functional recovery not only possible, but achievable.

At the same time, the research landscape has advanced to a point where a cure is scientifically credible.  Researchers are studying biomarkers that could lead to earlier diagnosis and guide new treatments. A host of promising new therapies are in the pipeline. What remains lacking is a broad public sense of urgency – and a push from government leaders to ramp up treatment research to match that of other chronic and brain diseases. That’s discrimination we won’t stand for, and an inequity we’re working to change: See the impact we are having.

With proper diagnosis and care, a person living with schizophrenia can go back to school. Have a job. Cook dinner. Enjoy time with friends. Not just live, but thrive. On a difficult day, it may be hard to envision this. But it is achievable – and people with schizophrenia deserve to achieve it.


With a new year comes renewed energy, fresh ideas and even stronger determination to solve the foundational problems that stand in the way of recovery and a cure for our community.